Intro: We have gathered here to spend some time with our Lord. To pray
and thank Him for a very special gift – the gift of a vocation to the priesthood and religious life. Let us during this
hour, pray and ask the Lord to call more young people to work in His vineyard, at the same time thanking Him for the priests
and religious He has given us and ask Him to be with them always as He has done through all these years.
Hymn: Spirit of the living God… (or any appropriate hymn) ……………….Silence
Prayer: O Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, you are the King of kings and
the Lord of lords. You are the eternal high priest. We thank you for the gift of a vocation, in which you call so many young
people to be shepherds to us your flock. Keep them under the mantle of your constant care and protection. We also lift the
young men and women of our families and neighbourhoods and all those thinking of answering your call, that they may realize
the specialty of your calling. ………..Silence
Reading: – the call of the prophet Jeremiah. [Jer. 1:4-10] …………Silence
Reflection: When the Lord called Jeremiah to serve him, as we heard in
the passage he was a young hesitant boy. But this young hesitant boy had the longest career as a prophet in recorded history.
He was called to preach to his own people at a time when Jerusalem
was in trouble which ended in the destruction of the temple and the city. (Pause)
The world today is having problems of its own and even today the situation is not much different from that of Jeremiah’s
time. Even today God calls young people to be his messengers to the world and even today young men and women are hesitant
to answer His call. Let us now in silence pray for them that they may be able to discern God’s will for themselves…….
Loving Father, your Son Jesus invited the disciples to follow him as He went about teaching, proclaiming the Good News and
curing the sick. We offer these prayers that many more persons may heed His call today and serve in his vineyard
Let Our response be: Father, hear this prayer we make
1. That the Holy Father, Bishops and
priests may inspire many more young people to come forward in generosity and love …Let us pray to the Lord
2. That our Christian youth may discover
Christ and his message of love and true happiness… Let us pray to the Lord
3. That people may not be trapped
by the glamour and riches of a materialistic world but find time for God and for others, especially those in special need…
Let us pray to the Lord
4. That every single family in our
parish may develop into nurseries where vocations to the priesthood and the religious life are fostered… Let us pray
to the Lord
5. That those preparing for the priesthood
or the religious life, (especially from our parish) may discover joy in their vocation as they strive to serve you…
Let us pray to the Lord :
The Lord’s prayer together……Silence
Hymn: Here I am... (or any appropriate hymn)
Every Christian is called to be a leader. Some are more gifted
at leadership than others, for sure, but we worship a God who calls every one of us to influence the people around us—to
lead them to a fuller understanding of who God is, of what He’s done for us, and how He wants us to live our
lives. Let us listen to Jesus’ teaching on true leadership.
A reading from the Gospel according to Jn 13:4-17
(silence for a minute)
Reflection: Jesus’ understanding of leader was to be a servant reaching out
to all especially to the victims of an unjust society and living out and preaching the kingdom values such as justice, peace
and love. It was so easy when Jesus was alive, he challenged all the unjust structures of his time by reaching out to the
sinners, tax collectors, lepers, Samaritans. To the woman going to be stoned he was just, to Zachaeus Jesus opens his heart to others and justice becomes the key to his life. Now that Jesus is physically absent
it is the responsibility of the Church to work for the Kingdom
of God in other words for a just society……………….Silence
Leader: Let us with deep faith turn to Jesus and pray.
R/ Lord,
make us like you.
When we seek to dominate rather than serve.
When we want to get rather than give. R/
When we ignore situations of injustice.
When we seek our own comfort rather than that of others.
When we are calculating and conditional in our love. R/
When we are reluctant to stretch ourselves in sacrifice. R/
Hymn: Make Me An Instrument
Of Your Peace ……..Silence:
Leader: Let us thank the Lord for all the blessings he has showered on us.
Resp: Thanks be to God
- For the Holy Catholic Church and its leaders for leading
us to you. Res
- For the priests and religious serving in our parish. For
all that they are to us and for all that they do for us. Res
- For the priests and religious who are children of our
parish. For the joy that they are bringing to their own fields of ministry. Res
- For all those preparing for the priesthood and religious
life. For the decision they have taken to serve you. Res
- For those in whom there is a growing desire to be a priest or religious.
For the very thought of serving you is beautiful. Res
Heavenly Father, bless our Archdiocese with the grace of many vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Through
the intercession of our Blessed Mother, grant to those You have called the willingness and generosity of spirit to give of
themselves in devoting their lives and their talents to the service of our Lord and to His Church. Increase the faith of all
within our Archdiocese, and particularly the faith of those You have called and will continue to call. We ask this through Christ, Your Son. Amen.
Let us invite Mary, Our Blessed Virgin Mother to pray for us.
Hail Mary…..
Hymn: What
thanks O Lord or any thanksgiving hymn