Discerning GOD’S CALL!!
When we read the Bible we find that there are many instances when God calls people to serve in his Kingdom.
Abraham, Moses, Samuel and many others in the Old Testament answered God’s call. In the New Testament, we find the apostles
called by Jesus as well as many others like Zacheus, Mary Magdalene and St Paul who repent for their sins and opt to work for the
God continues to call people to serve in different ways, especially to the Priesthood and Religious Life. And this
call needs to be discerned with prayer, guidance and personal action. Let us then consider God’s call:
What is prayer?
“Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and
heart to God or the requesting of good things from God” (St. Therese of Lisieux, CCC 2559). God invites us into a relationship
with Him that is both personal and communal. He speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, the Word-made-flesh. Prayer is
our response to God who is already speaking or, better yet, revealing Himself to us. Therefore, prayer is not merely an exchange
of words, but it engages the whole person in a relationship with God the Father, through the Son, and in the Holy Spirit.
As you seek the Lord and grow in relationship with Him through prayer, ask Him how He wants you to live in accordance
with His will.
- Attend Mass every Sunday and daily if possible. Receive Holy Communion
- Seek to be more like Christ. Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Make a commitment to grow closer to God every day. Make a daily examination
of conscience.
- Commit to a daily life of prayer
- Live the Beatitudes
- Witness to Christ in your everyday life by living a life of charity, of sacrifice, of total commitment to Him, and
by sharing your faith with others
- Be active - serve in your local parish as God is calling you.
Through prayer, seek a life centered on Christ, totally abandoned to Him. "If
any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.
For whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matt 16:24-25)
The following are some useful scriptural texts to pray over while discerning one’s vocation:
Matt 1:18-25
– The Birth of Jesus.
Matt. 3:13-17
– The Baptism of Jesus
Matt. 4:18-22
– The Call of the First
Matt. 5: 1-12
– The Beatitudes.
Matt. 6: 25-33
– Dependence on God.
Matt. 9: 9-13
– The Call of Matthew.
Matt. 10:1-15
– Mission of the Twelve.
Matt. 16: 13-20 –
Peter's Confession of Faith.
Matt. 16: 24-28 –
Conditions for Discipleship.
Matt. 19: 16-30 –
The Rich Young Man.
Matt. 25: 1-13
– Parable of the Ten Virgins.
Matt. 26: 26-30 –
The Institution of the Eucharist.
Matt. 26: 36-46 –
Agony in the Garden.
Matt. 27: 45-56 –
The Death of Jesus.
Matt. 28: 1-10
– The Resurrection of
Spiritual Direction is assistance given to persons in discernment, in growing in holiness and in the practice of Christian
virtue. A spiritual director / directress helps the directee in this under the
guidance of the Holy Spirit, who is the true director. Spiritual direction is
not counseling or therapy, but rather guidance in the spiritual life. Spiritual
direction should help one to become more open to the Holy Spirit and identify His action in one's life, to identify obstacles
in the spiritual life and overcome them, and to grow in the life of prayer and virtue.
It is a way that God works through the Church. It is important that one
be open and honest with a director /directress as one would be with the Lord Himself, so that He can work through His chosen
human instruments.
How do I find a spiritual director/ directress ?
Pray and ask the Lord to show you. Look for someone who is faithful to
the teaching of the Church, prayerful, seeking holiness, witnessing a life of holiness, and who you are comfortable speaking
with and can meet with on a regular basis. A good confessor may be someone to
consider. You might also ask someone you trust for a recommendation. When you
find someone, meet a few times first to see how it works out. If you need help in deciding on a director/ directress, contact
the vocations’ office for assistance.
A vocation is a call from God who created you to share intimately in His inner life of love. You are called
to perfect love in union with God for all eternity! You live out this call by making a total self-gift of yourself in love.
As you take up your cross and follow Christ, you lay down your life for Him in love.
Consecrated Life
Some men and women are called to be dedicated totally to God by embracing the evangelical counsels of poverty,
chastity, and obedience. Some live in the world and are set apart by a special consecration, in secular institutes, as consecrated
virgins, or as hermits. Others are called out of the world, to live the religious life by professing the vows of poverty,
chastity, and obedience.
Married Life
Some women are called to give themselves to one another through the Sacrament of Matrimony. They are called to bring
their spouse closer to Christ through growth in holiness, by making a total and faithful gift of themselves to each other
and sharing in God's creative work through the procreation of children.
If you feel God is calling you to a vocation to the Religious life then discuss the matter with your parents as well
as with the priests of your parish or any other religious whom you know. If you are finding it difficult to decide on which
order to join contact the Vocations’ Office or get a copy of the Catholic Directory of the Archdiocese from your parish
office and make a list of possible communities you could join. Most communities organize a “Come and See” programme
to make you aware of their charism, their lifestyle and other requirements.
To live a healthy and holy relationship, we need to live the virtue of chastity. The chaste person maintains the integrity
of the powers of life and live placed in Him. Chastity means the successful integration of sexuality within the person and
thus the inner unity of the person in body and spirit. Chastity allows us to control our passions, to make choices that are
truly free, and to seek what is good for ourselves and for others. The virtue of chastity blossoms in friendship by showing
us how to follow Christ and how to imitate Him who has given himself totally to us and who allows us to share in His divine
life. Chastity is the freedom to follow God's call and a promise of immortality. (adapted CCC 2337-2347)
As you discern God’s call, continue to turn to Him in
prayer. Make a commitment to daily prayer and speak to Him from the heart. Ask Him to help you to be open to whatever He might
ask. Be willing to investigate the possibilities as you continue to follow these steps throughout your discernment. Abandon
yourself totally to Him, and He will guide you. In the words of Mary, “Do whatever He tells you.” (John 2:5)